Hello again my love
I feel as if I have taken you for granted lately, and maybe that’s why we’ve been drifting apart. Or at least that’s what it feels like. We were once so connected, you and I. Spending hours upon hours wrapped in each other, watching days turn to nights turn to days again. The moon and the stars, the sun and its warmth, all friends who’d quickly become strangers as you began to occupy more and more my time. Others’ experiences seemed less and less exciting and I only have you to blame for that.
From 1800s England to 1920s New York to 2000s Seoul and many more, you never stopped dazzling me. Introducing me to wondrous places, scrumptious meals, and cultures I might not have known otherwise. I ate out of the palm of your hand as you continually whisked me away from troubling relationships and monotonous routines, bringing me from one adventure to the next.
It was the highest I’d ever been and I pray to whatever that I’m not down yet. See, I don’t want to be here without you. I don’t want us to fall apart as years take our time away. We becoming us becoming you and I becoming you, I, becoming You. Me. I am desperate for that bridge, for that connection to keep us together. I know we’ve had our rough patches, there have been moments I’d sworn you off in anger, but I didn’t mean it, I swear, I’m sorry. You can’t imagine how desperately I wish to take all those words back if only you’d come back to me as well.
Things will be better this time, I promise. The constant swarm of this and that, I’ll silence them. They won’t dare utter a word when we’re together. I’ll fight all the battles for us, if only you promise me that you’ll be there. Take me away in an instant just like you used to.
Whisk me to animated, mid-century Japan before dropping me in Stars Hollow. Drive me through Rosewood then leave me atop of the Empire State building in 1987. Fly me over Nigeria in the 1960s, make me witness to the atrocities of the Philippine-American War. Show me the aftermath of the atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, bring me inside the Palace of Versailles before the French Revolution. Explain what Ridgemont High was and what it means to identify as an LGBT Asian-American today.
Let’s travel through time and space and lose ourselves in the adventure. Create the endless memories I know we are meant to make. This life is not going to rob us of any more moments simply because it doesn’t agree with who we are. This relationship is more than what they see, is more than what they know. This love is that of the movies, of the books, of legends. We have what artists have tried to capture for centuries and I’m not ready to walk away simply because everything seems to be tearing us apart.
You taught me to fight and I am going to teach you to love. Without caution, without fear. Love me and the entire galaxy will be ours.
Impatiently awaiting your reply,